Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Adjusting to a New Home and Family of Seven

The boys have been here for two and half weeks now.  They are part of our family, and we love introducing them to all of our friends and family.  My parents are in love with them.  My granddad thinks they are precious, and my sister can't wait to see them in person.  They have called us mommy and daddy since the first day.  The baby even loves naming everyone in the pictures - including my parents and granddad!

It has definitely been a roller coaster, but we are doing what God has called us to.  So, we just remind ourselves of that when it gets difficult.  Baby C is super snuggly and talkative.  He definitely talks more than most kids his age.  He has made a pretty smooth transition.  He is very easy to put to bed.  When I say "It's time to go night night.", he says "night night" and lays his head on my shoulder.  He's usually asleep in 2-3 minutes, and I can lay him down in the bed with no issues! He wakes up many nights, but I just hold him for a few minutes, and he goes right back to sleep!

Big Brother has had a more difficult transition.  He appears to have never had a bedtime routine before.  He goes until he literally falls asleep.  He prefers to sleep on the couch or floor, but I tell him each night that little boys should sleep in beds.  He's started to get that the last few nights.  However, the first week was ROUGH at bedtime!  We tried to get him to bed for 2-3 hours every night.  Some of those nights, we were holding him the majority of that time while he was fighting us, but we just gently whispered to him that it was time to go to bed as we bounced him around.  By the end of the first week, I was able to rock him for 5-10 minutes without much push back.  He still won't let me sing to him, and it's driving me nuts!!  He doesn't want anyone to lay down with him, but he will let me sit in the rocking chair and watch him go to sleep.  That is after I have rocked him for 5-10 minutes.  I think he likes that now.  He is definitely enjoying the attention!

The older kids are in love with both of the boys who really have a thing for Thomas!  The older kids get up early in the morning so they can get dressed in time to play with the kids!  Then, they play with them when they come home!  That is so nice for me, but the little ones really look forward to seeing them at the end of the day!

We are currently struggling with the decision about whether or not to take baby sister who is due in 6 weeks.  I'm just not sure I can handle it, but I want to make the best decision for everyone - not just me!  It's hard to know how to pray, too!  I really do believe that reconciliation is the best choice IF mom and dad can get their lives straight and provide a good home.  However, I love these babies, and a good home just isn't good enough for my babies!  I want a great home for them!  A home where they are adored, trained to be great people, and taught to love God and love others - to be people who make a difference in the world!  So, I am praying for God's will because no matter how much I think I know, God knows best and he loves the boys more than I do. 

The adventure continues.

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After 507 days in foster care, little bit finally got to go home...along with big brother and little sister!  What a bittersweet day!  He di...