Friday, March 23, 2018

Broken System

What a day...Little Bit is scheduled to return home tomorrow evening.  It's been a question all week as to whether or not it would happen because the facility that the court is requiring mom to stay in for a while longer will not allow her to have all three kids.  It is just against fire code to have that many people in the small space she has!

So, we had to wait until their weekly court hearing today to find out what was going to happen!  Let me just say it did not go the way we had hoped or even considered!

Not only is Little Bit not going home tomorrow, he is being moved to ANOTHER foster home along with Big Brother and Baby Sister who will be removed from daycare tomorrow!!  Apparently, I have no say in this.  Because of the discharge orders on Big Brother, he is not allowed to return to our home.  Naturally, they want to keep all the kids together.  So, they are just going to take our sweet, happy baby tomorrow and put him in a completely new place!

I am absolutely livid!  I am stunned, and mom is beside herself!  Dad has to report to jail next week for a 3-day stay because he lied to the court about driving without a license - a month ago.  Mom will also be required to report to jail next week because she "misused" court-appointed money to pay for a ride to Wal-mart late one night and for another absolutely absurd reason that I shouldn't write about because it is too personal, but it is no business of the court!

Is it normal practice for a court to remove a person's children from their home because they told a white lie?  I know it's wrong, but shouldn't they be fined or privildges be removed?  How is this even legal?  Even CPS disagrees.

So, tomorrow, Little Bit will leave, and I will become mom's advocate!  I've already emailed the judge a plea for leniency!  I will be in their court proceedings fighting for these children to be back with the parents who love them!  What else can I do?

(posted a day late due to info that everyone is not yet privy to - just in case)

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After 507 days in foster care, little bit finally got to go home...along with big brother and little sister!  What a bittersweet day!  He di...