Saturday, March 24, 2018

Not Justice!

Quote of the day yesterday: 
"I thought you could only have one worst day of your life." ~Bio Mom

It was not a good day.  She decided not to send the kids to school knowing that CPS was probably coming to pick them up.  She snuggled and played with them until they showed up around lunchtime.  She called me in tears to say, "They are here!  I don't know what to say to Big Brother.  Can you please talk to him?  I told him I am going to school to take some classes and get smarter!"

Big Brother facetimed me immediately and was so excited to tell me that mommy was going to school.  He was so excited for her and not worried at all as to why his case worker and someone else were there!  I told him I was so excited for mommy to go to school and that Ms. V would be taking him to one of her friends' houses to stay for a little while.  He just said ok and hung up.  Obviously he did not understand what was happening, but we didn't know what else to say without really scaring him.

I still have Little Bit because they were unable to find a home willing to take all three children.  He will stay with me until they do find a home for all three or they return to their mom. I am so glad he did not have to go to a different home yesterday, but I am devastated about the other two being taken.  I have a few more smaller panic attacks yesterday when I thought about what was happening!  I am so concerned about Big Brother being scared in yet another new place!  

We have no idea how long this move will be, and mom really doesn't know what the court wants from her in order to get them back!  We are only two months away from trial which will have been 18 months since the children were removed.  We need some serious intervention.

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After 507 days in foster care, little bit finally got to go home...along with big brother and little sister!  What a bittersweet day!  He di...