Friday, March 16, 2018

Almost Home

I just put Little Bit in the car with the transporter for his last "test" weekend with mom.  Next weekend, it happens for real!  I feel emotional about whether or not I will be emotional!?!  What in the world?  Sometimes I'm teary-eyed at the thought of sending "my baby" back home.  Other times, I'm worried that I won't cry when he leaves. 

We didn't start this journey to grow our family.  So, we have never looked at the boys as our own.  They have always been someone else's, but we have loved them like they were our own! 

While I am looking forward to having a clean house, completing chores, and having time to myself, I am going to miss bedtime stories, kissing boo-boos and little laughs that melt my heart.  I am thankful that I will be able to keep up with them when they leave, but it isn't the same.  Now, I have to trust that God will care for them.  I will be praying for their safety and comfort from a distance.  I will not be able to kiss them good night, but they really are only a phone call away.

I will enjoy this weekend, but I just don't know what next week will hold.  To be honest, I'm still not completely convinced the court will send him back yet, but I'm moving forward with what I've been told. 

Little Bit, "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-26

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After 507 days in foster care, little bit finally got to go home...along with big brother and little sister!  What a bittersweet day!  He di...